AOM Subscriber
Artists (A thru L)
(M thu Z)
Robyn Alatorre, painting
Rebecca Alex, encaustic and oil painting
Barbara Aliza, painting
Jacqueline Doyle Allison, mixed media painting
Linda Alterwitz-Mizrahi, photography
Daniel Altman, painting, watercolor
amiguel, painting
Miriam Ancis, collage painting, sculpture
Jason Arkles, sculpture
Kathryn Arnold, painting, mixed media, digital
Chris Austin (Kiwi Studios), media not stated
John Azelvandre, painting
Matt Babcock,sculpture, kinetic art
LaThoriel Badenhausen, drawing, installation, assemblage/collage, stitching
Jennifer Baker, cast glass, metal mixed media
Jenny E. Balisle, oil painting, mixed media, pen and ink, drawing
Jamie Banes, mixed media
Beyti Barbaros, photography
Marianne Barcellona, painting
Carol Barsha, painting, works on paper
Lisa Bartell. painting
Keri Bas, painting
Lynn Basa, public art, painting
Carolyn Bellis, painting, drawing, mixed media, sculpture
Angela Faris Belt, photography
Sandy Bennet, watercolor, painting, pastel
Michelle Benoit, painting, sculpture, drawing, installation
Liz Berg, art quilts
Mitch Berg, glass, mixed media
Susan Bloch, sculpture
Jo Ann Block, collage, mixed media, painting, installation
Lisa Bohnwagner, painting (acrylic)
Denise D Boineau, painting, mixed media
Deborah Pierce Bonnell, painting
Ben Boothby, painting
Gabriella Boros, painting, drawing
Holly Boruck, painting
Amy Bouse, painting, drawing
Michael A. Boyett, sculpture, painting
Jerry Boyle, sculpture
Pam Brekas, mixed media/acrylic, jewelry, photography, workshop presentations
Zel Brook, painting, sculpture, drawing, photography
Mary Brooks-Mueller (Virtu Studio), photography
Rob Browne, sculpture
Yvette Burton, abstract, botanicals and sculptured canvas in oil
Sarah Bush,mixed media
Yurii Bylkov, designer, jeweler
Rachel Campbell, painting
Mia Capodilupo, installation, sculpture
Kathy Cantwell, painting
Maxwell Carraher, bronze sculpture
Giora Carmi, watercolor, mixed media
Kevin Caron, sculpture
Laurie Schirmer Carpenter, oil painting
Shiela Cavalluzzi, sculpture
Nancy Charak, painting, drawing
Ayrton Chapman, video, photography, drawing/painting
Won Choi, welded metal sculpture
Kari Cholnoky, painting, installation, photography, sculpture
Barbara Churchley, oil and pastel painting
Len Cicio, painting
Ione Citrin, painting, sculpture
Chip Clawson, public art, ceramics, sculpture and architectural details
Katherine Clear, medium unstated
Jane Marie Cleveland, photography, painting. Also personal website
CNC plasma design, mild steel and stainless steel sculpture
Julia Cocuzza, painting, mixed media
Gregory Colvin, photography
Peter Coley, watercolor, acrylic painting
Kieran Collins painting
Robin Colodzin,mixed-media, painting, printmaking
Lynette Cook, painting
Jeffrey Cooper, wood, furniture, relief carving, sculpture, public art
Joanne Corbaley, painting
Marcia Cooper, mixed media
Kira Carillo Corser, mixed media, photography, painting
Annette Cossentine, mosaics
C.T. Costa, photography, digital art
Heather Capen Cox, oil painting
Jay Critchley, multi-media, trans-media, performance, sculpture, installation
Melody Croft, oil painting
MJ Cunningham, painting
Margaret Cusack, artwork created with stitchery
Linda Dabeau, sculpture
Paul Dacey, painting
Elke Daemmrich, painting, drawing, engraving
Dakini Dreams, masks, assemblage, collage, mixed media, fiber, textile
Uriél Dana, painting, sculpture
Tom David, painting, printmaking
Dana M. Davis, photography
Evelyn Davis, sculpture
Elvira Dayel, drawing, 3d printing, 3d rendering
Alicia DeBrincat, painting
Patricia del Monaco, pittrice, scultrice, fotografa
Dinorah Delfin, painting, photography, sculpture, collage, video
Shawn Demarest, painting, mixed media
Ted Denton, mixed media construction
Mary DeVincentis, painting, printmaking
Marina di Carlo, painting
Oliver DiCicco, kinetic sound sculpture
Jon Dirks, oil painting
Diane V. Dockery, fiber, collage
Robert Dodge, painting, printmaking
Mark Dolamore, painted polyester bas relief
Eileen Doughty, public art, fiber art, quilt art, mixed media
Pomegranate Doyle, painting
Rosalyn Driscoll, mixed media assemblage, sculpture
Mary Dudley, painting, printmaking
Dianna Cates Dunn, painting
Nancy Robb Dunst, mixed media
Leah Dunaway, painting
Michelle Echenique, assemblage, collage, mosaic
Beth Yarnelle Edwards, photography
Robert W. Ellison, monumental metal sculpture
Patricia Ely, mosaic
Leon Engelen oil painting, painting course
Linda Erzinger, assemblage, sculpture, found object
Mark Faigenbaum, mixed media, collage
Stephen Fairfield (Solar Sculptures), public art
Gordon Fearey, painting, sculpture, photography, drawing, constructions
Samuel Fee, photography
Cathy Feiss, sculpture
Art Ferrier, photography
Clairan Ferrono fiber
Susan Field, mixed media, sculpture
Mike Filan, painting, works on paper, monotypes and prints
Glenn Fischer, collage
Carole Fitzgerald, watercolor, acrylic
Glenn Fitzpatrick A.K.A. Fitzy, sculpture
Virginia Folkestad, sculpture, installation
Roseanne F. Fox, painting, encaustic, mixed media
Keith M. Francis, sculpture, painting, photography, serigraph, video
Heather D. Freeman, printmaking, installation, drawing, video
Howard Friedman, painting (oil)
Chuck Fritsch and Cindy Walpole, photography based art
Michele Fritz, mixed media storytelling
Andy Frost, painting, sculpting, poems & fiction
Susan Gainen, watercolor
Ann Blessing Gallagher, acrylic painting, recycled mixed media
Stephen Galloway, photography, public art, installation
Ed Gallucci, photographer
Julia Gandrud, painting hand-made film, book arts, etc.
Alan Gaynor, photography
joan geary, painting, sculpture
Megan Geckler, installation
Tom Gehrig, mixed media
Irene Gennaro, sculpture, drawing
Joe Geraci, photography, jewelry, upcycled objects
Marina Gershman, fabric collage
Teresa Getty, painting, mixed materials
Stephan Giannini, painting, murals, restoration, blog
Gale Gibbs, painting, drawing, photography (psychological landscapes)
Jonathan Gibson, mixed media
Eleanor Gilpatrick, painting, drawing
Lisa Goesling, scratchboard drawing
Greta Gold, painting
Marni Goldshlag, fiber
Andrea Gomez, "Interpretive landscape, figure and allegorical themes, etc."
Jon Gomez, painting
Lucia Gomez, painting
Gregory Goodman (Adventures of a GoodMan: Photography Storytelling and Travel), photography and writing
Anne Gordon, photography and digital art
Janice Gordon, sculpture, collage
Paula Gottlieb, painting
Sandra Gottlieb, fine art photography
Don Gray, murals and painting
Marilyn Green, painting
Gary Greene, colored pencil
Normon Greene, sculpture, painting
Stacie Birky Greene, mixed media
Juanita Greenspan, stone sculpture
Sarah Grew, painting, mixed media
Mark Grieve and Ilana Spector, public art
James Groleau, mezzotint
Naomi Grossman, sculpture
George Guarino, installation involving hypnosis, etc
Abigail Gumbiner, sculpted photographs
Don Gurewitz, photography
Crisanta de Guzman, mixed media, photography, video, sculpture
Margaret Haase, painting
Ed Haddaway, sculpture
Elizabeth M Hamilton, mixed media
Colleen Hammond, painting
Fain Hancock, painting
Christine Hanlon, urban landscape oils, plein air watercolors
Erin Hanson, painting, oil painting
Alice Harrison, painting, collage, mixed media, printmaking, bookmaking - altered books
Peter Hassen, painting, sculpture, printing, photography, installation, mixed media, video
Daniel Hauben, painting, pastel, etching, gliclee
Ted Hayward, painting
Susan Hensel, mixed media
Richard Herring, painting
Delores Herringshaw, pastel, painting
Amy D. Herzel,drawing, painting, digital art
Jeremy Joan Hewes, mixed media, collage
Edith Hillinger, painting
Jennifer Hines, works on paper, installation
Kurt Hippauf, painting
Jessica Hobbs, interactive-installation, sculpture, photography, video, collaboration, fire
Alan Hochman, stone sculpture, fountains
Maru Hoeber, sculpture
Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin, photography
Melinda Hoffman, printmaking, painting
Brooke Holve, mixed media constructions, installation, artist books
Cheri Homaee, painting, traditional /digital drawing, painting, and photography
Marilyn Hotes, painting
Jane Moore Houghton, mixed media, illustration
Debra Houston, painting
Aram Hovsepian, photography
Stan Huncilman, sculpture
Dean Hunsaker, painting, mixed media
Elaine Hunter, photography
Judy Hurley, painting, comics
Ivan Iliev, painting
Joel Iskowitz, fine art illustration and design, portraits, murals ,stamp, coin and medalic art
Minna Jain, alternative photographic process printmaking, wearable sculpture
Emily Jan, sculpture, installation, painting
Donnasue Jacobi, photography
Jesse Jason, painting, mixed media
Amparo Jelsma, mixed media, painting, drawing
Debbie Johnson, painting
Marty Jonas, fiberart, sculpture
Jennifer Fisher Jones, painting
Karl Jones, painting, sculpture, installation
Yvonne Jones, projection and painting installation
Jean M. Judd, mixed media, textile
Jonas Jungblut, photography, sculpture
Ben Junta, painting
Sara Kahn, painting, watercolor
Howard Kalish, sculpture
George Kaplan, photography
Larry Keenan, Beat & counter-culture photography
Pamela Keilson, mixed media
Debra Keirce, painting
June Kellogg, painting
Brooke Kelly, painting, drawing, photography, crafts
Betsy Kendall, painting
Mike Kendall, sculpture
Kharis Kennedy, painting, photography, film
Kevin A. Kepple, painting
Sandy Kesslerart, public art, drawing, painting, mixed media
Catherine Kirkpatrick, photography, mixed media, animation, etc
Sarah Knudtson, new media, research, photography, sculpture
Joyce Kohl, public art
Donald S. Kolberg, sculpture, painting, mixed media
Jacqueline Krayna, photography
KH Krena, photography
Joy Kreves, mixed media, assemblage, painting, sculpture
Rolf Nord Kriken, sculpture, foundry
Deborah Kruger, textile paintings
Patricia Kushner, painting
Arthur Kvarnstrom, watercolor
Haeley Kyong, painting
Natasha Kohli, painting
Linda LaBella, painting
Maria Lago, painting, sculpture, etching
Chiara Lagostina, digital art
Kim Lakin, textile and mixed media
Joe LaMantia, mixed media
Catherine Latson, sculpture
Nancy Staub Laughlin, pastels, photography, combination of the two
David Lawrence, photography
Meghan LeBorious, installation, sculpture, drawing, video, performance
Beatriz E. Ledesma, painting, drawing
Deanna Lee, painting
Marietta Patricia Leis, painting
Shelly Leitheiser, painting, illustration, digital art
Mikhail Lemkhim, photography
Patricia Leslie, watercolor painting, ink drawing, and mixed (watercolor/ink).
Mariette Leufkens, painting
Cheryl Levin, painting
Lena Levin, painting, writing
Francene Levinson, original digital parametric painting
Charles Lewton-Brain, jewelry
Jessica Licciardello, media not stated
Mark Lightfoot, painting, drawing, printmaking
Linda Litteral, sculpture, painting
Linden, painting
Larry Lippold, pastel
Domen Lo, mixed media
Cathy Locke, painting, pastel, mixed media
Francesco Lombardo, painting, drawing
Michael Lotenero, painting
Nancy Loughlin, 2D
Nancy Lovendahl, sculpture, installation, public art
Sandi Neiman Lovitz, painting
Shelley Lowell, painting
Mark W. Lubich, glass, mixed media, collage
Susan Leslie Lumsden, quilting
Adri Luna,installation
Jean Luongo, painting, drawing
Maria Lupo, sculpture, mixed media
Elaine Luther, mixed media, blog
Galya Lutzky, painting, drawings, ceramics
Artists (M thu Z)
Art Matters, a free newsletter for artists from Artist Career Training
Brain Press Publications, books and videos on metalworking and goldsmithing, as well as workshop safety and jewelry photography
Painted Jay Publishing, books for artists offering extensive information, common sense, empowerment and fun; How to
The Artist's Guide to Public Art: How to Find and Win Commissions, by Lynn Basa. Published by Allworth Press
Art Omi Int'l Artist's Colony. International arts center for visual artists, writers and musicians.
Artists' Enclave at I-Park Program designed to encourage and reward serious individuals committed to
Resources and Services
Artist Career Training, "Business Sense for the Art World."
Artist Help Network Extensive collection of useful links for artists, thoughtfully arranged and checked, by Caroll Michels, author of How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist.
Artist Trust, organization exclusively devoted to individual artists of all disciplines in Washington state but useful for all.
Arts and Healing Network Honors and supports healing artists, recognizes them as essential catalysts for positive change.
Festival Network Online, "Art & craft shows and fairs, gift shows, festivals and more -- opportunities for artists and craftspeople to sell your work."
Jessamy Gloor, conservator specializing in works on paper
Manhattan Arts International, "Network of Artrepreneurs dedicated to helping artists pursue their passion."
National Sculpture Society, goal is to "promote excellence in figurative and realist sculpture throughout the United States." LLC, "Network, promote, buy and sell contemporary art for free."
Sculpture Community, International Sculpture Center's resources for sculptors.
Universities, Art Schools, Libraries
Academy of Art University
Berkeley Public Library
California College of the Arts
Central Wyoming College
Colby-Sawyer College
Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA)
Massachusetts College of Art
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (NMIAD)
Moore College of Art & Design
Oregon College of Art & Craft
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)
Richeson Art School
San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI)
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
University of California Santa Cruz
University of Illinois Springfield
University of Michigan, Art, Architecture and Engineering Library
University of Northern Iowa
Gwen Frostic School of Art, Western Michigan University
Art Centers, Art Commissions, Art Classes, Galleries, Collections
artSPACE@16, alternative gallery in Greater Boston areaAnderson Ranch, residencies
Asylum Gallery, membership gallery in Sacramento
Baltimore Clayworks, neighborhood-based ceramic art center with national reputation.
CNY Art Guild, Inc, artists working ain all media
di Rosa Preserve, more than 2000 works by hundreds of San Francisco Bay Area artists, collected by Rene di Rosa.
Fogbelt Studio, art classes and workshops for adults and mature teens, all levels.
< Montana Arts Council, resources and information for artists and supporters, in state and out.
Orange County Center for Contemporary Art (OCCCA), artist-run center provides emerging and established artists a forum to explore and develop ideas in contemporary art.
O'Hanlon Center, all media community-based art center, Marin County, CA.
Sculptors Guild, membership organization for sculptors and their advocates.
Smithtown Center Arts Council, Arts Council: Mills Pond House Gallery and Art Classes.
The Linden Tree Studio, customized art instruction for children, teens and adults in Benicia/Vallejo/Suisun/Martinez and surrounding areas.
Visual Arts Alliance, art center in Houston TX; classes, programs, exhibitions
Women's Studio Center, Inc., studio space, workshops, exhibitions, more, in Long Island City

Roxa Smith

Stephen Fairfield