Art Opportunities Monthly (logo). The Opportunities List for Fine Artists. The list pros trust.

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Artists (M thru Z)                                      (A thu L)

Angela M., computer drawing, oil painting
M.C.CAROLYN, painting, sculpture
Susan Maakestad, painting
Dan Macchiarini, metal arts, painting
Jean Macaluso, photography, painting, sculpture
MichaelAngelo Magnotta, sculpture
Doug Makemson, sculpture
Karen Malcolm, mixed media
Chalda Maloff
, digital painting
Ralph Mantia sr, painting, photography, digital art
Judith White Marcellini, painting
Robert Markey, painting, sculpture, public art, video
Anne Marchand, painting
Carolyn Jean Martin, painting, mixed media
Terrence Martin, metal sculpture
Kat Martin, found materials
Therese May, art quilts
Hildy Maze, drawing, painting, collage
Alejandro Mazon, mixed media
Teri McCans,watercolor
Dan McCormack, pinhole photography of nudes
Elizabeth Miller McCue, sculpture
Susan McCullough, painting (still lifes, florals, landscapes, plein air)
Anita F. McGinn-Natali,painting
Laura McHugh, mixed media
Cameron McIntyre, photography
Colin McIntyre, forged metal sculpture
Kathleen McSherry, sculpture
Ron Meick, printmaking, sculpture, sound
Julie Meridian, painting
Barbara Merlotti, mixed media hand colored digital collages
Ari Metz, glass
Juliet Mevi, painting
Katherine Meyer, large charcoal drawings
a miguel, photography, mixed media
Tatjana Mihailova / tatjanaM, painting, drawing, print, textile, watercolor
Mary Milelzcik, photography, enacustic mixed media, assemblage
Elaine P. Miller, painting, murals
Jack Miller, painting
Judy Bolef Miller, mixed media painting
Judith Juntura Miller, painting
Pat Millius, painting
Barbara Millman, printmaking, book arts, mixed media
Sandi Miot, encaustic and collage painting and sculpture
William K. Modenbach, photography
Craig Moran, painting, drawing
Nadege Morey, painting, collage
Diane Morgan, painting, watercolor
Michael Morgan, brick sculpture
Alan Morris, watercolor
Elise Morris, painting
Zach Mory, drawing
Janice Schoultz Mudd, mixed media, painting, collage
Lee Musgrave, painting

Edie Nadelhaft, oil painting, sculpture
sj navage, mixed media
Meredith Nemirov, painting
Ruth Bauer Neustadter, mixed media, sculptural painting
Jacqueline Neuwirth, photography, painting

Bruce A. Niemi, sculpture
Ozie D. Norman, painting, sculpture
Xavier Nuez, photography
Jann Nunn, sculpture
Douglas Newton, painting
Joe A. Oakes, acrylic
Leah Oates, photography, artists books
Oliver, digitally stylized photography
eleonora oleotto, photography, video
Caren Frost Olmsted, painting, illustration, murals
Kriss Olsen, painting, sculpture, mixed media
Gage Opdenbrouw, painting
David Orr, photography
Thomas H. Osgood, sculpture, painting, furniture
Yari Ostovany, painting
Kees Ouwens, sculpture

Pietro Angel Palladini, painting, murals
Rebecca Palmer, photography
Marcie Paper, painting, animation
April Dawn Parker, painting (oil, gouache)
Dana A. Parisi, painting, drawing, installation
Barbara Parmet, photography
Gary Paterson, embroidered images
Donna Payton, mixed media, painting, installation, sculpture,
Leslie Pearson, painting
James Perkins, metal sculpture
Francine Perlman, drawing, construction, sculpture
Kathryn Burke Petrillo, painting
Judi Pettite, sculpture, drawing and painting, and related research
Ann Phelan, painting, mixed media
Denise Philipbar, installation and painting
Leon Phillips, painting
Jessica Phrogus, murals, vases, mixed media, fiber, watercolor
elise pittelman, painting, sculpture, jewelry, gardens
Pollard_S, mixed media
Joyce Pommer, mixed media, painting, sculpture 
David Poppie,  painting, collage, sculpture
Harry Powers, painting, sculpture
Linda Sue Price, neon sculpture
Michael Pierre Price, digital photography, digital art

Abe S. Quilling, digital photography, oil, acrylic, gouache & watercolor, bronze

Jalaliyyih Quinn, watercolor
Kristina Quinones, painting

Jerry Ragg, murals, painting
Lauren Raine, MFA, masks, sculpture, painting, choreography
Lester Rapaport, painting
Vienne Rea, photography, sculpture
Carol B. Reed, fiber, drawing, painting, mixed media, weaving
Cary Reeder, paintng
Denise Regan, painting
Alicia Renadette, sculpture, mixed media
Jim Rendant, photography, mixed media
Saelon Renkes, variations on photography
Alan M. Richards, photomanipulation, image composites
David Rivas, abstract photography
Mark D. Roberts, photography/sculpture
Graham Murdoch Robertson, stone sculpture
Joan Robey, sculpture
Sawyer Rose, sculpture, mixed media
Ellen Rosenberg, photography
Elynne N. Rosenfeld, painting, mixed media
Ellen Rosenthal, photography
alanna roth, bronze sculpture and mixed media painting
Denise Rouleau and Mark D. Roberts, photography and mixed media
Jeffrey J. Rutledge, metal sculpture
Melissa Rubin, painting, mixed media
Diane Rusnak, painting, mixed media

Cheryl Safren,chemistry on metal panels
Karen Carlo Salinger, urethane sculpture, painting, mixed-media
Karl Saliter, works in stone
Gail Salzman, painting
Ruth San Pietro, paper reliefs and prints of animals, etc.
Diane Di Bernardino Sanborn, painting, works on paper
Edna Santiago, painting
Jean Sausele-Knodt, assemblage painting
Nancy Watterson Scharf, painting
Patrick Schmidt, painting
Ann Sharp, painting
Esther Shaw, painting, sculpture
Jan Schachter, ceramics, pottery
Nancy Watterson Scharf, painting
Beth Scher, painting, sculpture, installation
Karen Schmidt, sculpture
Patrick Schmidt, painting
Christopher Schneider, photography
Barbara Schreiber, painting, works on paper
E. Spencer Schubert, sculpture

Amitai Schwartz, photography
Patty Schwarz, watercolor
Don Eugene Seastrum, painting, lithographs
Azin Seraj, digital media
Abby Sernoff, mixed media collage
Cheryl Safren,  chemistry on metal panels 
Kate Shannon, photography
Michael A. Shapiro, photography
Ann Sharp, painting
Esther Shaw, painting, sculpture
Katherine Sheehan, printmaking, mixed media on paper
Michael Shewmaker, sculpture
Jim Shirey, photography
Jason Shirriff, drawing
Daina Shobrys, sculpture, installation
Boris Shpeizman, hot glass work
Loraine Shue-Weber, painting
Barbara Simcoe, painting
Kristy Simmons, painting, photo-based art, digital art
Steven J. Simmons, painting
James Simon, public art, sculpture, mosaics
Dona Simons, painting
Alan Singer, painting, drawing, printmaking, photography
David Skillicorn, painting
Catharine Small, painting
Becki Smith, vintage and antique mixed media box assemblage/collage
Karla Smith, painting (oil), drawing
Roxa Smith, painting
Sara Snedeker, custom art, murals, creative consultations
Maryly Snow, etching, painting, photography, collage
Craig Snyder, public art, sculpture
Casto Solano, public art
Solar Sculptures, (Stephen Fairfield, PhD, Patrick Marcus, PhD and Emily Taylor), interactive sculpture with solar powered lighting
Alexandra Sonneborn, oil painting, soft pastel
Paul Sorey, sculpture, public art
Stephen Soreff,sculpture
Alicia Soto, painting
Dian Sourelis, mixed media with found objects
Dig Space, painting, sculpture
Frances Spencer, painting, prints
Daniel Sroka Botanical Abstracts, photography
Raymond St. Arnaud, printmaking/digital/photography/something else
Julian St. George, works on paper
Tony Stallard, Public Artist working in the Public Realm
Nancy Stanchfield, painting
Colette Standish, painting, photography
Olga Stamatiou, oil painting
Robert Stanley, painting, computer
Terry Stanley, painting (figurative, portrait, landscape, animals)
Emily Stedman, watercolor
Stacey Steers, film animation, installation
Barbara Stein, paintings
Gabrielle Jordan Stein, photography, new media
Debora L. Stewart, contemporary abstract pastels
Greg Stogner, painting
MG Stout, painting, drawing
Annie Stromquist, works on paper
Deirdre Sullivan-Beeman, painting
Jeffrey Sully, painting
Liza Sylvestre, drawing, mixed media, illustrated stories
Sylviatoyindustries,  video, performance

Shahrzad Taavoni, mixed media, 3D
Sam Talbot-Kelly, various media  
Brian Taylor, photography,handmade books, alternative photographic processes
Mark Taylor, screen printing, film/video, photography, multimedia
Trés Taylor, painting, mixed media, installation
Michelle Templeton, painting, woodblock prints
Pauline Thomas, photography, mix media, installation, video
RoByn Thompson, body painting, photography, mixed media
Sheila G. Ticen, painting
Mimi Chen Ting, painting
Cassandra Tondro, painting
Karen Torres, photography
Ricardo Toronto, photography
Ann Tracy, digital, acrylic fine art, photography
Peter B Treiber, photography
Gina Truax, vessels and other things made from beeswax and other things
Hwei-Li Tsao, painting, drawing, sculpture
Steve Turnbull, sculpture (bronze, wood, stone)
Pamela Grau Twena, painting
Michael Twery, painting,drawing,sculpture,murals

Johanna Uribes, painting

Greetje van den Akker, painting, drawing, mixed media
Max Van Pelt, painting, sculpture, drawing
Lee Vandeveer, oil painting
Michelle Vara, metalwork, sculpture
Betty Vera, fiber, mixed media
John Vasiliou, painting
Victoria Veedell, oil on canvas
Anneliese Vobis, mixed media, fiber, sculpture
Chuck von Schmidt, sculpture, conceptual, video, photography
Leanne Vorrias, photography
Kate Vrijmoet, conceptual art, painting, new media, installation, curatorial

Cara Wade, photography
Cheryl Walker, drawing, painting, installation, performance
Cynthia A. Walpole, photography 
Cara Walz, mixed media
Camille Warmington, painting, mixed media
 Pat Warner, drawing, collage, sculpture, installation
Michelle Waters, painting and collage
Jacqueline Webster, photography
Katie Webster, watercolor, ceramics
Jennifer Mrozek Weiss, painting
Jackie Weisberg, photography
Alan Wentworth, photography, digital media, sculpture
Janice Wood Wetzel, photography
Jenny Wiener, drawing, sculpture, silkscreen

Cate White, painting, drawing, sculpture, video, installation
tamara white, painting, mixed media
Ralph White, painting
Tom White, sculpture
Jenny Wiener, forensic fairytales
Christopher Wilke, painting
Pat Willard, photography
DeanC. Williams, photography
Susan Willis, watercolor
Patrick D Wilson, sculpture, photography
Varya Witlin, guoache, oil pastel, mixed media
Jessica Witte, open-ended sculpture, performance, installation
Mike Wittels, mixed media
Red Wolf, painting
Leslie Hagg Wolk, painting
Ellen Woods,painting
Suze Woolf, painting,
D. Michael Wright, painting
Peggy Wright, mixed media textiles
Don Wunderlee, painting
Kim Wyatt, painting
Tamara Wyndham, painting, mixed media

Marian Yap, painting, printmaking
Teresa Young,  drawing, painting, glass art, painted 3D wooden sculptures

Qionghui Zou, mixed media  

Artists (A thu L)

Art Matters, a free newsletter for artists from Artist Career Training
Brain Press Publications, books and videos on metalworking and goldsmithing, as well as workshop safety and jewelry photography
Critical Ceramics, critical inquiry for ceramic artists
The Artist's Guide to Public Art: How to Find and Win Commissions, by Lynn Basa. Published by Allworth Press
The Cranky Artist blog, insights gained from experience in the art world


Art Omi Int'l Artist's Colony. International arts center for visual artists, writers and musicians.
Artists' Enclave at I-Park Program designed to encourage and reward serious individuals committed to

Resources and Services

Art Asylum (Mary Milelzcik), service specializing in curating art exhibitions, public relations and marketing campaigns and administrative support.
Artist Career Training, "Business Sense for the Art World."
Artist Help Network Extensive collection of useful links for artists, thoughtfully arranged and checked, by Caroll Michels, author of How to Survive and Prosper as an Artist.
Artist Trust, organization exclusively devoted to individual artists of all disciplines in Washington state but useful for all.
Arts and Healing Network Honors and supports healing artists, recognizes them as essential catalysts for positive change.
Festival Network Online, "Art & craft shows and fairs, gift shows, festivals and more -- opportunities for artists and craftspeople to sell your work."
Jessamy Gloor, conservator specializing in works on paper
Manhattan Arts International. "Network of Artrepreneurs dedicated to helping artists pursue their passion. Our range of services include a juried Online Gallery, a free Online Ezine and Resource Directory, career guidance and books."
National Sculpture Society, goal is to "promote excellence in figurative and realist sculpture throughout the United States." LLC, "Network, promote, buy and sell contemporary art for free."
Sculpture Community, International Sculpture Center's resources for sculptors.

Universities, Art Schools

Alberta College of Art and Design
California College of the Arts
Central Wyoming College
Colby-Sawyer College
Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA)
Massachusetts College of Art
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (NMIAD)
Moore College of Art & Design
Oregon College of Art & Craft
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)
Richeson Art School and Galleryl
San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI)
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
University of California Santa Cruz Public Art Department
University of Michigan, Art, Architecture and Engineering Library
University of Northern Iowa
University of Oregon Department of Art

Art Centers, Art Commissions, Art Classes, Galleries, Collections

Anderson Ranch, residencies
Baltimore Clayworks, neighborhood-based ceramic art center with national reputation.
di Rosa Preserve, more than 2000 works by hundreds of San Francisco Bay Area artists, collected by Rene di Rosa.
Fogbelt Studio, art classes and workshops for adults and mature teens, all levels.
Montana Arts Council, resources and information for artists and supporters, in state and out.
Orange County Center for Contemporary Art (OCCCA), artist-run center provides emerging and established artists a forum to explore and develop ideas in contemporary art.
O'Hanlon Center, all media community-based art center, Marin County, CA.
Sculptors Guild, membership organization for sculptors and their advocates.
Smithtown Center Arts Council. Arts Council: Mills Pond House Gallery and Art Classes.
Station Independent Projects, gallery, NYC Lower East Side
The Linden Tree Studio, customized art instruction for children, teens and adults in Benicia/Vallejo/Suisun/Martinez and surrounding areas.
Visual Arts Alliance, art center in Houston TX; classes, programs, exhibitions
Women's Studio Center, Inc., studio space, workshops, exhibitions, more, in Long Island City

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